Creating a Mobile Phone Headset

Many ways to get people interested in having a cell phone. One of them is to press such a cheap price. An example is CDMA phones. Mobile phones with cheap prices are even already have external speakers when the communication is done amid the crowd.

"Creating a Mobile Phone Headset"
ZTE's CDMA mobile phone brands

Materials and Equipment:
1. Thin cable
2. Female connector
3. Male connector from the headset
4. Electrical Solder
5. Tin solder
Sharp knife / cutter / scissors

The execution steps:
1. Open chasing back of the phone, open the bolt by using a small screwdriver. On the mobile side Unplug the cell phone in use nails.
2. Open the bolt on the inside. Remove the speaker and the vibrator from its place. Speaker and the vibrator was only placed with double tape as glue.
3. Solder thin wires at the speaker connections. This cable will be connected to the female connector.
4. Create holes using a solder that is adjusted with legs found on the female connector. Then put the female connector.
5. Connect the cable coming from the speakers point to a female connector. Should disconnect the cable to the built-in speakers by using the scissors. Of course this is done if they do not want a built-in speakers. And when someday we want it back, we can still connect as before.
6. Close again to close the place chasing the speaker and the vibrator, the bolt-bolt pair.
7. Grab haeadset, cut the cord and take the only path to the speakers alone. Connect the male connector on the female connector. Turn on the phone, call and activate the speakers. If the audible sound, meaning the work has been completed. If no sounds, check back where solder the existing wires.

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